
Penulis Smart Generation hari ini telah menonton video perbahasan di Parlimen yang kecoh berkenaan dengan isu sosej babi yang telah di bangkitkan oleh Ahli Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baru berkenaan isu itu ke dalam Parlimen.Kenyataan beliau yang menimbulkan isu ini telah mendapat bantahan daripada Pihak pembangkang kerana mereka beranggapan Ahli Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baru ini cuba mempolitikkan isu dan terjadi pertengkaran antara beliau dengan Ahli Parlimen Pas dari Kuala Selangor iaitu Dzulkefly Ahmad yang seterusnya diarahkan keluar dari Dewan Rakyat kerana menimbulkan ketegangan berhubung identiti seorang pelajar lelaki yang dirotan kerana membawa nasi dengan daging khinzir goreng dan sosej yang tidak halal.
Penulis Smart Generation melihat bahawa isu ini telah cuba dipolitikkan sebenarnya oleh kedua-dua belah pihak.Apabila perbezaan ideologi dan juga pandangan dalam menilai sesuatu isu seharusnya ahli-ahli parlimen ini tidak seharusnya bertengkar semata-mata untuk menunjukkan kehebatan dalam mempertahankan sesuatu.Penulis juga melihat kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baru ini yang menyatakan "inilah PAS menggalakkan anak Muslim makan babi".Kenyataan itu telah mencetuskan ketegangan di Dewan Rakyat dengan Dzulkefly terus membidasnya dengan berkata: "Inilah amalan agama yang paling sempit".
Kenyataan itu kemudiannya membangkitkan kemarahan bukan sahaja Dzulkefly, malah sebahagian ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat lain.Pada sidang media selepas itu, Dzulkefly mendakwa ahli parlimen Kulim Bandar Baharu sengaja menggunakan ruang perbahasan untuk mencetuskan pertentangan."Dalam semangat toleransi beragama, Kulim Bandar Baharu membuat satu penyataan yang menunjukkan orang Islam ekstrem."Kalau benar mahu bahas isu ini, bukan di sini, tapi Kulim Bandar Baharu terus mengatakan bahawa inilah PAS, yang menghalalkan orang Islam makan babi."Inilah cara paling jahat yang sebenarnya mengkhianati agama atas kononnya untuk memperjuangkan agama," katanya kesal.
Selain itu,Ahli Parlimen Kulim itu kesal dengan tindakan DAP dan PKR, dengan sokongan segelintir Ahli Parlimen PAS, yang memainkan isu seorang pelajar bernama Basil Anak Beginda (10 tahun) membawa makanan haram iaitu "nasi goreng + sosej babi" ke sekolahnya di Sekolah St. Thomas, Kucing, Sarawak. Mereka mendakwa pelajar ini dikenakan hukuman 10 kali rotan pada 15 Okt 2010 oleh Penolong Kanan sekolah En. Iskandar Bin Fadeli kerana membawa membawa "sosej babi" ke sekolah. Sedangkan pihak sekolah menyatakan budak itu dihukum atas sebab lain. PKR mendakwa ini melanggar hak perlembagaan budak tersebut.Beliau menyatakan tidak berminat dengan isu hukuman rotan itu, kerana faktanya pun tidak jelas. Adakah beliau dirotan kerana sosej babi, atau kerana kesalahan disiplin yang lain.Yang jelasnya Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Datuk Wee Ka Siong telah pun membuat penjelasan bahawa laporan Jabatan Pelajaran menunjukkan kanak-kanak itu dirotan kerana kesalahan lain.Bukan kerana sosej Babi yang digembar gembur kan itu.
Fakta yang jelas dan tidak boleh dinafikan ialah Basil Anak Beginda adalah seorang budak beragama Islam. Ayahnya bernama Nor Azman Bin Abdulah @ Beginda Anak Minda. Beliau adalah ahli PKR. Beliau merupakan calon PKR bertanding dalam PRU 10 di P. 188 Kapit (1999) dan PRN Sarawak N.24 Engkili (2001). Beliau tewas di kedua-dua pilihanraya.Penulis Smart Generation melihat bahawa Nor Azman perlu tampil memberikan keterangan dan mengistiharkan kepada umum pegangan Agama beliau supaya tidak menimbulkan konflik agama di mata masyarakat berkenaan isu ini.
Penulis Smart Generation menyeru kepada semua Ahli Parlimen tidak kira sama ada dalam kerajaan,Pembangkang ataupun Bebas janganlah menimbulkan konflik yang menjejaskan keharmonian kaum di Malaysia.Penulis melihat bahawa isu ini di bawa atas agenda politik.Penulis tidak salahkan kerajaan atau pun pembangkang,tetapi mereka perlu benar-benar hadam mengenai sesuatu perkara itu sebelum ia dikeluarkan dan dibahaskan di Parlimen.Mungkin hanya Ahli Parlimen Kulim sahaja yang mendalami isu ini dan cuba diketengahkan,Namun kerana salah tafsiran menyebabkan kekecohan belaku atau memang Ahli Parlimen Kulim sengaja mahu menimbulkan kekecohan untuk mendapatkan perhatian itu Penulis tidak tahu.Yang jelas sekarang,Apabila isu ini telah menimbulkan konflik dan pergaduhan di Parlimen kerana isu ini melibatkan maruah dan agama serta isu sensitiviti kepada Umat Islam akan membawa kesan kepada masyarakat.Ahli Parlimen perlu tahu tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka untuk memperjuangkan isu rakyat bukan memperjuangkan agenda politik.Bagi Penulis,isu yang berlaku di Parlimen mengenai sosej babi itu adalah pengajaran kepada kita semua ataupun mungkin sekadar permulaan.Mungkin lebih banyak lagi isu sensitif akan dibangkitkan oleh Ahli Parlimen lain,tetapi Penulis nasihatkan supaya jangan membawa Agenda Politik dan janganlah mempolitikkan isu demi kepentingan rakyat keseluruhannya.
3 ulasan:
Why I Don’t Eat Pork
October 18th, 2009
I don’t eat pork. (You probably guessed that from the title.) Not only do I not eat pork, I don’t eat other products derived from pigs, including bacon, lard, and gelatin, or any sort of food containing those items.
Up until now, if you’d asked me why not, I’d shrug and explain: I’m Jewish. I grew up in a Jewish household and went to a Jewish school for my entire childhood. It’s never really been an issue – the same way that not eating insects has probably never really been an issue for most Canadians.
But that’s not good enough.
The religious reason Jews don’t eat pork is because it’s outlined very clearly in Vayikra (Leviticus) that pigs are not kosher – that is, legal to eat. The Torah specifies pigs in part to avoid confusion: any land animal that both chews its cud and has a split hoof is kosher. Pigs have split hooves, but they don’t chew their cud. So even though they’re not kosher, you can see how an error might be easy.
The reason pigs aren’t kosher? Well, that’s a tougher question. It’s often suggested that there was a logical reason behind pigs being unkosher: pigs are prone to host parasites such as tapeworms, and if they or their eggs are consumed in improperly cooked pork, these parasites can take residence in humans. Usually, the person offering this explanation goes on to argue that such a reason was valid only in Biblical times, when people lacked the technology to ensure pork could be safely consumed, and this being the case, there’s no reason why the law shouldn’t be struck from the books.
But this isn’t the reason Jews are prohibited from eating pork. I know because we used to suggest it in Torah class to our teacher, the rabbi, and he would explain that, yes, that reason made sense, in a limited way, but we shouldn’t presume to know the mind of G-d. If G-d meant that it was OK to eat pigs as soon as we developed tools to make sure their meat wouldn’t harm us, G-d could have written that. And why would G-d make pigs unkosher but not other species equally prone to carry disease?
In the end, we were taught, although one can come up with logical reasons for many mitzvot (Biblical commandments), one can’t assume that our understanding of the law is the same as G-d’s, or even that G-d has the sort of reason we’d consider to be logical. The point is, obeying G-d’s laws isn’t supposed to be the same as obeying a doctor’s advice.
In Leviticus, Chapter 11:7-8, in the Bible, it says;
"And the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet it does not chew the cud;he is unclean to you. Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch. They are unclean to you."
Rev. C.L. Vories says in his pamphlet "the Hog”, page 26;
"The Bible so clearly and definitely forbids the eating of pork that all who love the word of God and would follow its teachings can have no question at all as to whether or not they should abstain from feasting the unclean creature."
Quoted from Ahmad H. Sakr (2005), Pork: Good Reasons for its prohibition, ISBN: 983-9384-19-8
- the author is a professor of biochemistry and nutrition
Is Pork Forbidden to Muslims Only?
The Jews and Christians are also forbidden from eating pork. Here is a quote from the Old Testament to that effect: "And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase." Deuteronomy 14:8
Many Christians believe that this verse was directed only at the Jews. But Jesus himself says during the Sermon on the Mount; "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Some Christians say that, after a vision by St. Peter, God cleansed all animals and made them fit and lawful for human consumption. If ALL animals are cleansed by Peter's vision, this includes dogs, cats, vultures, and rats: but you just don't see people getting excited about a cat-meat sandwich like they do over barbecued pork or bacon. Others say that it was Paul who rescinded the law forbidding pork to humans, in order to appease the Romans, who enjoyed the taste of pig-meat. Many excuses have been given, but none are very sound.
Many Far Eastern traditions also discourage the eating of pork. The 3,000 year old Confucian Book of Rites says, "A gentleman does not eat the flesh of pigs and dogs." Although many Chinese are avid eaters of pork today, physicians of ancient China recognized pork-eating as the root of many human ailments. Buddhists, Jains and Hindus usually avoid eating any kind of meat.
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