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Sabtu, 23 Mac 2013



Ada seorang ditempat saya, disebut oleh orang kampung bahawa dia telah berkahwin dengan jin Islam, mempunyai anak dan hidup dalam keadaan rukun damai. Kebetulan saya pernah ke tempat orang ini, ke rumahnya. Saya dapati dia tinggal seorang diri, tetapi rumahnya bersih seolah-olahnya ada yang menguruskannya. Persoalan besar saya bolehkah kita manusia, berkahwin dan beranak pinak dengan makhluk halus?

Jawapan dari Tuan Guru Dato’ Dr. Haron Din

Seperkara yang jelas kepada kita bahawa makhluk ini wujud dan boleh menyerupai dengan rupa-rupa yang mereka kehendaki dengan izin Allah S.W.T. Persoalan sama ada boleh atau tidak manusia berkahwin dengan makhluk halus dari segi sejarahnya banyak yang kita dengar bahawa Balqis adalah seorang raja di zaman Nabi Sulaiman. Bapanya manusia dan ibunya daripada jin, ibunya bernama Balqmah binti Saisan.

Dalam sebuah hadis daripada Abu Hurairah, katanya Rasulullah s.a.w pernah berkata bahawa salah seorang daripada ibu bapa Balqis adalah jin. Hadis ini ada dalam Kitab al-Jami’ as-Saghir oleh Imam as-Sayuti.

Tetapi apabila balik kepada masalah hukum, dengan jelas al-Quran, Allah berfirman (mafhumnya), “Dan Allah telah menjadikan bagi kamu pasangan hidupmu dari jenis kamu juga”. (Surah an-Nahli ayat 72)

Firman Allah (mafhumnya), “Dan di antara tanda-tanda keagungan Allah dijadikan bagi kamu dari jenis kamu juga, pasangan-pasangan hidup, supaya kamu mendapat ketenangan dengannya dan dijadikan bagi kamu kasih sayang dan rahmat daripada Allah S.W.T.” (Surah ar-Rum, ayat 21).

Kedua-dua ayat ini boleh difahami dengan mudah bahawa pasangan hidup manusia adalah manusia juga. Barulah akan wujud ketenangan, kasih sayang, tambatan hati dan saling percaya mempercayai.

Bayangkan jika kita mempunyai isteri dari kalangan makhluk halus orang lain tidak nampak, kita nampak seorang sahaja, atau mungkin kita pun tidak nampak tetiba kita berselisih faham, bergaduh dan sebagainya, bagaimana akan terjadi kepada rumah tangga kita.

Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Yunus bin Yazid daripada Azzubri katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w menegah manusia mengahwini jin.

Berpandu kepada ayat dan hadis saya sebutkan, atas alasan ini jumhur ulama berpendirian, tidak harus mengahwini jin, jika berlaku perkahwinan, maka perkahwinan itu tidak sah. Kalau berlaku perhubungan jenis, mereka berkesedudukan dalam keadaan haram.

Tetapi Imam Malik bin Anas mengatakan perkahwinan itu adalah makruh dan ada ulama yang sependapat dengan Imam Malik.

Namun apapun yang dapat dilihat maka perkahwinan ini suatu yang kudus, yang pasti diketahui syarat sah perkahwinan, yang paling asas adalah agama.

Jika jin itu bukan Islam maka perkahwinan tidak sah. Jika dikatakan jin itu Islam, bagaimana boleh kita pastikan benar-benar bahawa dia Islam, apakah dengan pengakuan mulut yang mengatakan bahawa dia (jin) Islam boleh diterima.

Jika dikatakan jin itu mempunyai keilmuan Islam yang tinggi dan dia beramal dengannya, maka sama juga dengan manusia yang mengkaji Islam, tetapi tidak Islam.

Malah ada kalangan sarjana Barat yang banyak menghafal al-Quran, menghafal hadis dan mengetahui banyak hukum (terutama orientalis), kalau di alam manusia boleh berlaku, maka tidak mustahil di alam jin juga ianya boleh wujud.

Maka jalan yang terbaiklah, kahwinilah dengan manusia, seperti yang disebut Rasulullah, “Kahwinilah perempuan-perempuan manusia, kerana mereka boleh mendatangkan harta.”


Ahad, 10 Mac 2013


Selamat berjuang buat wira wira negara di lahad datu
Perjuanganmu tidak dapat di bayar dengan sebuah harga
Perjuanganmu demi mempertahankan maruah negara
Perjuanganmu demi mendaulatkan malaysia tercinta

Pertahankan setiap inci tanah air ini daripada penderhaka..selayaknya kau mendapat gelaran WIRA..!

Bagi yang telah gugur..kau gugur sebagai PAHLAWAN..!

Khamis, 7 Mac 2013


MANILA, Philippines - Who’s the terrorist?

The sultanate of Sulu denied yesterday that its members are terrorists, as alleged by Malaysia, and said Prime Minister Najib Razak is the terrorist for unleashing his country’s military and police against 200 members of the sultan’s army.

Speaking at her father’s home in Maharlika Village in Taguig, Princess Jacel Kiram, daughter of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, said they do not espouse violence and they are not terrorists.

“So Mr. Razak, you are more terrorist together with your armed forces and supported by P-Noy’s government, wanting to exterminate Raja Muda Kiram and the royal Sulu sultanate’s lives,” she said.

“Who is the terrorist? His description of terrorism is when a superior force, utilizing the air force, navy, army and the police force to annihilate a force of 200 inferior force whose only action is to defend their belief and their rights.”

Sultan Jamalul Kiram III said the royal Sulu army went to Sabah to settle and not to wage war.

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“Will my relatives or even the royal sultanate be considered terrorist if they visit their own land?” he asked. “If they go to their own house? If they go to their own property? The didn’t go there to fight but to settle down, to settle down in their homeland.”

Princess Jacel said Najib is ignorant of the region’s history and of the 1963 Manila Accord.

“We are the landlords of North Borneo, asking the squatter tenants to vacate the leased property,” she said.

“If you (Najib) know how to read history, no less than the great Tunku Abdul Rahman signed an agreement with President Diosdado Macapagal, witnessed by President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1963, the Manila Accord wherein the claim of the sultanate of Sulu shall not be prejudiced in the formation of the Federal State of Malaysia.”

Princess Jacel said Secretaries Alberto del Rosario of foreign affairs and Manuel Roxas II of interior and local government were espousing Malaysia’s intent to label Sultan Jamalul a terrorist to be arrested to satisfy Malaysia.

“Have we given up the independence and sovereignty over our people and our land?” she asked. “It seems that it is now in the people’s hands to fight for our rights and freedom.” Princess Jacel asked President Aquino to sanction the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for admitting responsibility in misplacing the Kiram family’s first letter to him.

She said Aquino must review Republic Act 6713, the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, particularly Section 5 which deals with the duties of public officials and Section 11 which deals with the penalties for violations of the Code of Conduct.

“Mr. President, please review RA 6713 Section 5 and Section 11 so you will know what you are answerable for and please understand, Diyos na po ang bahala sa inyo (God will deal with you),” she said.

Sultan Jamalul said members of the royal Sulu army now in Sabah are mostly poor fishermen and farmers who have found life in the Philippines already difficult.

Sultan Jamalul said people, not only Tausugs, are now joining the royal Sulu army in Sabah led by his brother, Raja Muda (Crown Prince) Agbimuddin Kiram.

“You cannot blame these people who go there to help my brother,” he said. “His going there is a decree from me but not for war but to settle down there.”

Sultan Jamalul said Agbimuddin and his men are safe but on the run from Malaysian security forces.

He said the sultanate is open to accept all support, including from the Moro National Liberation Front.

Sultan Jamalul denied Malaysian reports that casualties on the sultanate army’s side are mounting, but said his army is prepared to die in Sabah.

DFA: Del Rosario did not tag sultanate ‘terrorist’

The DFA denied yesterday that Del Rosario had agreed with Malaysia’s labeling of Sultan Jamalul’s followers in Lahad Datu as terrorists.

In a Q&A on the DFA website, Ambassador to Kuala Lumpur J. Eduardo Malaya said the report that Del Rosario had agreed with Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman to label Jamalul’s group as terrorist is out of context.

Malaya was present at the meeting between Del Rosario and Aman in Kuala Lumpur.

Speaking to reporters, DFA spokesman Raul Hernandez said Del Rosario only referred to the act of mutilation and desecration of bodies but did not agree with Aman in labeling the group as terrorist.

“As far as the secretary is concerned, there was only an agreement on the mutilation and desecration of the bodies of the personnel as terroristic acts,” he said.

The DFA said in Semporna, Sabah, alleged acts of terrorism were reported after the police were lured into an ambush and killed, their bodies mutilated and desecrated.

“If indeed these atrocities were committed as reported to him, the secretary and the foreign minister both agreed that these were, at the very least, terroristic acts,” the DFA said.

Del Rosario flew to Kuala Lumpur on Monday to continue discussions on how to avert further loss of lives in Sabah. – With Pia Lee-Brago, Jose Rodel Clapano


Pejuang Barisan Pembebasan Kebangsaan Moro (MNLF) dari Filipina, menuju ke Sabah untuk mengukuhkan kedudukan pengikut Sultan Sulu yang berjuang menentang pasukan keselamatan Malaysia, dakwa seorang pemimpin mereka hari ini.

"Ramai telah meloloskan diri daripada pasukan keselamatan. Mereka sudah mahir dengan kawasan tersebut kerana mereka dilatih di sana pada masa lalu," kata Muhajab Hashim, pengerusi Majlis Perintah Islam MNLF.

"Kami menjangka lebih ramai daripada mereka akan menyertai (pertempuran) walaupun jika arahan rasmi kita adalah supaya mereka mengelak pergi ke sana," katanya.

Beliau tidak pasti berapa ramai pejuang MNLF telah berjaya melepasi
kawalan tentera laut Filipina dan Malaysia, tetapi berkata sebelum ini, "ribuan" telah menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk menyertai kira-kira 200 pengikut kesultanan Sulu, yang diketuai oleh Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram.

Majlis Perintah Islam MNLF menyelia semua pasukan tentera MNLF, untuk melucutkan senjata sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian damai 1996 tetapi tidak dipatuhi sepenuhnya.

Hashim berkata walaupun pemimpin MNLF tidak secara rasmi mengarahkan pengikut mereka belayar ke Malaysia, tetapi mereka menyokong penuh usaha Sultan Sulu menuntut Sabah.

"Pejuang MNLF taat kepada sultan, kita adalah pengikut. Jadi ia lebih daripada satu pakatan," katanya. "Kami menentang keras serangan terhadap saudara kami dari Sulu."

Pasukan keselamatan Malaysia telah melancarkan serangan ofensif besar-besaran semalam selepas tiga minggu pengikut sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram III berkubu di situ dan keganasan meletus minggu lalu yang mengakibatkan sekurang-kurangnya 27 orang terbunuh.

Tetapi pembantu sultan berkata di Manila bahawa kumpulan Azzimudie terselamat daripada serangan, termasuk serangan udara.

MNLF diasaskan pada tahun 1960-an oleh Nur Misuari yang memperjuangkan untuk wilayah Islam di Mindanao dan pernah mendapat sokongan dari Malaysia. AFP

Selasa, 5 Mac 2013


THE crisis in Sabah has turned several towns into battle zones as Malaysia intensified its campaign to drive away armed Filipino intruders.

The crisis took a turn for the worse as the fighting spread to more areas after the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) joined the fray by deploying its combatants to Sabah to support the sultanate of Sulu.

The sultanate had started calling the clashes in Sabah the Sultan Jamalul Kiram Spring, after the Arab Spring, which triggered revolutions and violent protests in several Arab countries in 2010.

According to Abraham Idjirani, the spokesman of sultan Jamalul Kiram 3rd, the fighting between Malaysian forces and members of the Sulu Royal Army has reached Sandakan, Sabah’s second largest city.

“This is the Sultanate Jamalul Kiram Spring. We are doing this in the name of the Filipino people,” Idjirani told reporters.

Idjirani said that as of Sunday, Sandakan has been turned into another battle zone even as the “battle of Semporna” remains at a stalemate.

To prevent further loss of lives, Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario flew to Kuala Lumpur on Monday to talk with Malaysian officials and appeal for maximum tolerance for the followers of the sultan.

Seven people were reported killed in a clash in the town of Semporna on Saturday as Malaysian policemen were also pursuing a number of armed intruders in the town of Kunak. Reports said that Semporna has turned into a ghost town after the firefight on Saturday because residents fled the area for fear that they too may be caught in the gun fight.

The MNLF claimed that their men were able to enter Sabah on Sunday.

The group said that reinforcements from Mindanao breached the Malaysian security cordon in Sandakan and ambushed two truckloads of men belonging to the Malaysian Territorial Army Regiment.

“The reinforcements were able to wipe them out,” said Habib Mujahab Hashim, chairman of the MNLF’S Islamic Command Council. Idjirani, however, denied that the Royal Sulu Army is being aided by MNLF fighters.

He claimed that the escalation of violence was an “unorganized, spontaneous uprising” by Filipinos residing in Sabah.
Fighting between the two sides have left 26 people dead since the standoff begun last month.

During the firefight on Saturday, the sultan’s followers captured four Malaysian officials.

Idjirani, however, said that the captives will only be released to representatives of international humanitarian groups.

He explained that the group led by the sultan’s brother, Raja Muda Agbimuddin, refused to release their captives to Sabah officials because they fear that the officials might later end up dead and the sultanate will be blamed for it.

Idjirani also said that the sultan was able to reestablish contact with Raja Muda a day after Malaysian officials shut down cell sites in Lahad Datu.

Fearing that the fighting in Sabah will lead to more deaths, del Rosario flew to Kuala Lumpur on Monday to appeal for maximum tolerance for the followers of the sultan.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said that the secretary will meet with Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman “to continue discussions on how to avert further loss of lives.”

Del Rosario will also convey the Philippine government’s request for a full briefing from the Malaysian authorities regarding the situation in Lahad Datu and ask clearance for the Philippine Navy ship, BRP Tagbanua, to proceed to Lahad Datu.

The ship, which was dispatched from Tawi-Tawi province more than a week ago, has medical personnel onboard.

“Ever since the Kiram group landed in Lahad Datu three weeks ago, Secretary del Rosario has been in touch with the Malaysian authorities on a daily basis in search for a peaceful resolution to the situation,” the department said.

Block force
Meanwhile, ground troops and at least 10 Philippine Navy ships have secured the island provinces and islets and the entire sea separating Mindanao from Malaysia to prevent the supporters, followers and members of the so-called Royal Army of Sulu from traveling to Sabah.

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin on Monday explained that the security cordon was implemented to ensure that nobody would be able to cross to Sabah. He denied reports that speedboats and small-motorized vessels have slipped past the closely guarded areas.

Gazmin said that Philippines troops cannot be involved in the flushing out of Filipino intruders in Sabah.

“We cannot get involved. It’s the call of the Malaysian government,” he said.

The President’s directive, he said, is to help the evacuees and at the same time identify those involved in the standoff.

Pinoys return
As the Sabah crisis sizzled, 289 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Malaysia returned home to escape the clashes in Sabah.
Labor Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz said that the workers came home on Sunday.

Baldoz said that she instructed various Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) agencies to assist the returning Filipino workers.

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration has been told to assist returnees, who plan to stay in the country for good, by providing reintegration assistance through the National Reintegration Center for overseas Filipino workers.

The reintegration program includes providing job matching and job referral assistance for those who will elect to work in the country; and giving out of livelihood business starter kits for those who wish to engage in businesses.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration had also been instructed to assist the workers who wish to go back to their employers in Malaysia after the situation has normalized.

“The DOLE helped facilitate their smooth arrival, and we are ready with our reintegration programs and other services for other Filipinos, who may decide to return to the country either for good or to wait for the situation to stabilize before returning to Sabah,” the labor chief said.

The Bureau of Immigration also on Monday said that 288 Filipinos were deported from Sabah.

Immigration Intelligence chief Antonette Mangrobang said that they are waiting for an official report from their Tawi-Tawi and Zamboanga field office. She said that more Filipinos are expected to return from Malaysia because of the crisis there.

Meanwhile, Cebu Pacific Air flights from Manila to Kota Kinabalu have not been affected by the standoff.

According to Cebu Pacific communications manager MP.Pestano-Fojas, all CEB flights to Kota Kinabalu are normal.

With reports from Johanna M. Sampan, William B. Depasupil and Benjie L. Vergara


MANILA, Philippines - The widow of the late Mohd Mahakuttah Kiram, the 34th Sultan of Sulu, believes the fighting in Sabah is mere “drama,” and says it is not part of their game plan to pursue their proprietary rights.

Speaking to reporters yesterday in Makati, Princess Maryam Kiram offered herself as an emissary to the parties concerned, as she has been doing in the past.

“I am confident, after I sat with them to clarify their concern,” she said. “We will be willing to come to the negotiation table to settle all matters for the good of all concerned. A win-win solution can be arrived at.”

Maryam did not elaborate on the “drama,” but said the media are making up stories.

Claiming to represent the sultanate of Sulu, Maryam said she has been in contact with the members of the royal family and that she had set up the Royal House of Sulu Kiram Foundation Inc.

Maryam said she has been talking with Malaysian officials and an agreement was already made regarding the increase of the rent for Sabah.

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“I am now in the process of negotiating some form of compensation from the Malaysian family to help develop their ancestral lands,” she said.

A meeting was called for all the members of the royal family and a Manifesto of Solidarity of Peace of the People of Sulu Archipelago has been signed, she added.

Maryam said the Malaysian government was receptive and they are now preparing a good settlement.

The birth certificates of every member of the Kiram family is already in her possession, she added.

Maryam said she went to Malaysia early this year for the release of the settlement fund.

“The funds were to be in my hands, but the schedule of Jan. 11 was unfortunately not implemented for unknown reason,” she said.

Maryam said the fund was supposed to be deposited in a designated bank with clearance from the Bank of Negara.

Ahad, 3 Mac 2013


MANILA, Philippines --- Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) founding Chairman Nur Misuari yesterday appealed to Malaysia to settle the Sabah standoff peacefully and warned that his group will come to the aid of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III’s followers if blood spills.
“I hope they will not harm them. They (Kiram’s followers) are our brothers. If one drop of their blood is spilled, we might be forced to come to their aid,” Misuari said.
“Please don’t touch them, give them a friendly and brotherly treatment,” Misuari appealed.
Misuari was in Zamboanga City yesterday for the MNLF leadership meeting, which he said was attended by some 2,000 leaders from across Mindanao to discuss various issues facing the Bangsamoro people.
When he was in Jolo, Sulu, over the week, Misuari said that what he heard was that the group of the Crown Prince Rajah Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, younger brother of Kiram, crossed the sea to the island because they were allegedly promised to be settled in Sabah by Prime Minister Dato Seri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Addul Razak.

Misuari appealed to the prime minister to exercise prudence in dealing with the people of the sultan.
“This should be handled by cooler heads,” he said, adding it would also be good to await the coming election in April in Malaysia to see who will be the new prime minister.
Misuari also said the group of Rajah Muda could have gone to Sabah to show their impatient over their claim.
Meanwhile, an ally of Kiram appealed to the Malaysian government yesterday to extend a brotherly Islamic tolerance to the Moro group still holed up in Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia.
Abraham Julpa Idjirani, secretary general of the sultanate and spokesperson of Kiram III, spoke with the Manila Bulletin Thursday.
On the news report about a Friday (today) deadline said to have been issued by Malaysia for the group to leave Sabah, he did not respond specifically about it.
Rather, he reiterated that the rajah muda and his followers will not pull out from their journey home to Sabah.
“I just spoke five minutes ago to the aide-de-camp of the crown prince and also with his son. They told me they are doing fine,” said Idjirani at about 2:05 p.m. Thursday.
As he acknowledged the tolerance shown by the government of Malaysia to the Moro group who sailed to Lahad Datu on February 11, in exercise of their proprietary rights over the oil-rich island.
“We want to thank Malaysia for being tolerant to the sultan’s people,” he said.
On the other hand, he appealed to Malaysia for more tolerance to the brother Muslims.
“We appeal to Malaysia to be more patient and prolong their Islamic tolerance to their fellow Muslims,” said Idjirani.
He said in Islam, forcing people to go hungry is un-Islamic, referring to the Malaysia security forces’ blockade of food supply for the rajah muda and his group.
It started Wednesday, he said.
Idjirani said depriving food to people is also a violation of human rights enshrined in the United Nations.
Kiram III sent his brother and their people to Sabah on what they described as a journey home, crossing the sea from Simunul in Tawi-Tawi.
He said they went there peacefully to stay and claim what is rightfully the Sultanate of Sulu’s ancestral domain.
Meanwhile, the Philippine military has deployed at least six ships and an aircraft near the border of the Philippines and Malaysia in what a Navy official describe as an operation to deescalate the tension in the Sabah standoff.
Lieutenant Commander Gregory Favic, spokesman of the Philippine Navy, said they have started conducting the border patrol on February 12, or right after the news of the standoff in Sabah broke out.


Berita yang mengejutkan daripada sabah,kenapa orang kampung yang bunuh penceroboh ini..? Kenapa bukan polis atau tentera.?..adakah kawalan keselamatan masih lagi rapuh sehinggakan mereka boleh berleluasa pergi ke kampung kampung dan membuat huru hara..

Puluhan penduduk bertindak memukul sehingga mati lelaki bersenjata M16, yang dipercayai terlibat dalam serangan hendap yang mengorbankan lima anggota polis, di Kampung Sri Jaya, Siminul, Semporna malam tadi.

Bagaimanapun sehingga kini polis belum memberi pengesahan tentang identiti lelaki itu.

Dalam insiden 7 pagi hari ini, seorang lelaki berbadan besar, berpakaian serba hitam, memegang senjata M-16 dan berumur dalam lingkungan 50-an turun daripada sebuah bukit dan melepaskan beberapa das tembakan ke arah sebuah surau di Kampung Senallang Lama, di Semporna.

Seorang penduduk, Abdul Hani Samaullah, 44, berkata selepas melepaskan tembakan lelaki itu turut menjerit di hening pagi bahawa "saya yang menembak polis malam tadi".

"Lelaki itu kemudian membuka setiap pintu rumah penduduk dan mengarahkan mereka berkumpul di satu kawasan lapang," katanya yang turut berkumpul bersama penduduk di dalam keadaan ketakutan.

Abdul Hani berkata penduduk menyerang lelaki terbabit apabila dia bertinggung dan memasang api rokok serta meletakkan senjatanya.

Beliau berkata lelaki itu dipukul hingga mati dan mayatnya diletakkan dekat dengan sebuah pokok di kampung itu.

Wartawan Bernama yang dalam perjalanan membuat liputan majlis perasmian jambatan baharu oleh Menteri Kemajuan Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal di Kampung Nihak Nihak, pada 8.30 pagi iaitu 30 kilometer daripada Kampung Senallang Lama, sempat melihat mayat lelaki itu dan mendapati kepala lelaki itu berlumuran darah.

Kelihatan penduduk mengemas beg pakaian mereka dan mengosongkan rumah mereka dengan membawa anggota keluarga, termasuk kanak-kanak dan wanita, untuk melarikan diri ke kawasan kampung lain.

Kebanyakan penduduk adalah petani dan pekebun ladang kelapa sawit.

Cubaan Bernama untuk menghubungi Ketua Polis Daerah Semporna DSP Mohd Firdaus Francis Abdullah untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut gagal.


Sila baca dan faham

`Persoalan Kenapa polis tak tentera?

1) jika kita guna tentera dahulu bermakna kita dalam perang dengan Sultan SULU.

2) Juga bermakna kita mengiktiraf Sultan Sulu secara lansung sebagai kerajaan yang sah yang mengistiharkan perang kepada kita.

3)Dan jika ini berlaku ianya akan tertakluk kepada Geneva Convention dan beberapa protocol antarabangsa.

Jika Polis sebagai pemerintah operasi bermakna

1) kita masih anggap mereka itu penjenayah dan penceroboh bukan combatant perang.

2) Polis kita akan menangkap dan menahan (perkatannya untuk polis ialah menahan bukan menawan - Menawan ialah perkataan Tentera ada beza di antara keduanya)

3) Untuk mengelakkan mereka menjadi Tawanan Perang. Cukup sekadar sebagai tahanan penjenayah. Maka tuduahn di Mahkamah Awam boleh di lakukan. Seperti tuduhan yang boleh kita buat di atas lanun Somalia yang kita tahan sedikit masa lalu. Mereka tidak di anggap tawanan perang.

4) Boleh di ektradisikan dengan lebih mudah ke Filipina. Kalau tindakan ketenteraan atau kita anggap perang susah nak bicara dan mana nak tempatkan mereka dan diklasifikasikan mereka ini? Maka jadilah macam kisah CIA dan Black Sitenya untuk WAR on TERROR mereka. Kita kena la buat macam Guantonamo BAy juga. Susah macam tu.

Itu sebab kita mengambil langkah Polis dahulu. Jika tentera ambil alih sudah jadi kes lain.
Jika keadaan tidak boleh di kawal lagi maka LOCAR AREA EMERGENCY (darurat setempat) boleh di isytiharkan

Dengar cerita darurat telah di istiharkan dan curfew di kuatkuasakan di sana. Ini bermakna tentera sudah ambil alih di Lahad Datu atau kawasan pencerobohan sahaja (kawasan yang lebih kecil)
Ianya seperti darurat waktu ribut banjir New Orleans dahulu- tentera USA ambil alih bukan lagi polis tempatan)

Dalam keadaan ini bermakna bukan satu negara Malaysia darurat dan bukanlah bermakna perang kerajaan Malaysia dan Sultan Sulu. Darurat hanya untuk keselamatan sahaja dan LOCAL AREA SAHAJA. Rasanya bukan seluruh Lahad Datu pun.Hanya kawsan pencerobohannya sahaja. Nampak hati-hatinya dan telitinya Kerajaan dalam hal ini..







Sabtu, 2 Mac 2013


‘Usah layan khabar angin’
Kerajaan mengesahkan sekumpulan lelaki yang menceroboh Tanjung Labian, Lahad Datu, Selasa lalu, bukan militan atau pengganas walaupun ada antara mereka bersenjata.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata, pihak tertentu diminta tidak mempolitikkan isu pencerobohan itu sehingga boleh menjejaskan proses pengusiran kumpulan berkenaan.
“Keadaan ini terkawal dan saya ingin menekankan bahawa apa yang dinyatakan boleh menjejaskan operasi kerana dalam dunia masa kini, maklumat boleh disebarkan dalam sekelip mata. Apa yang saya cakap jika tidak berhati-hati boleh digunakan pihak tidak bertanggungjawab, sekali gus menjejaskan operasi keselamatan.

“Ini sesuatu yang semua pihak perlu faham, turunkan ‘temperature’ (suhu), elak dipolemik, elak dipolitikkan isu ini, elak untuk takut-takutkan orang ramai kerana apa yang dinyatakan khususnya dalam laman sosial bukan situasi sebenar.

“Jadi jika dikatakan ada khabar angin mendakwa ada pengganas masuk ke Kota Kinabalu, saya boleh nyatakan ia tidak benar. Bagaimana saya boleh berada di Kota Kinabalu (jika ada pengganas). Kita tidak perlu melayan khabar angin yang tidak berasas,” katanya ketika sidang media di Terminal 1 Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota Kinabalu (KKIA), di sini semalam.

Hadir sama Pengarah Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam (KDNKA) Bukit Aman Datuk Salleh Mat Rasid dan Pesuruhjaya Polis Sabah Datuk Hamza Taib.

Terdahulu, Hishammuddin turut mendengar taklimat diberikan Hamza mengenai situasi terkini di Lahad Datu.

Beliau berkata, apa yang penting adalah menyelesaikan isu berkenaan tanpa berlakunya pertumpahan darah atau kehilangan nyawa.

“Apa yang penting sekarang bukan isu politik, kaum dan ia tiada kaitan dengan pendirian kedaulatan. Tetapi dalam konteks kita, ini adalah sesuatu yang boleh mengancam keselamatan negara.

“Kita perlu mengendalikan dengan lebih bijak tanpa berlaku pertumpahan darah dan kehilangan nyawa. Saya tahu maklumat sebenar dan apa digembar-gemburkan di luar sana adalah sesuatu perkara yang tiada asas langsung.

“Saya juga mengesahkan dalam konteks kedudukan keselamatan dan hak Sabah serta rakyat di sini, kita tidak akan berkompromi. Justeru, biarlah pihak berkuasa menjalankan tugas mereka,” katanya.

Ketika ditanya kononnya mereka tidak mahu berundur dan mendakwa Sabah milik mereka hingga sanggup berperang syahid seperti dilaporkan dalam laman video Youtube, Hishammuddin berharap majoriti rakyat Sabah tidak terikut-ikut dengan perkara itu.

Jumaat, 1 Mac 2013


Ayuh seluruh rakyat malaysia kita mendoakan keselamatan kepada pasukan keselamatan dan penduduk lahad datu sekarang ini kerana sedang berada dalam zon perang.semoga tidak ada lagi yang terkorban dan mohon kerajaan malaysia selesaikan segera perkara ini..!

Media Filipina melaporkan bahawa beberapa orang telah terbunuh ketika penceroboh dari kesultanan Sulu berbalas tembak dengan pasukan keselamatan Malaysia di Lahad Datu.

Bagaimanapun ia tidak diketahui anggota dari pihak mana yang terbunuh dalam kejadian tersebut.

Akhbar Philippine Star melaporkan bahawa pihak berkuasa Malaysia memulakan serangan ke atas kubu pihak penceroboh tersebut hari ini.

Akhbar itu memetik laporan radio yang menemubual beberapa saudara-mara Sultan Sulu, Sultan Jamalul Kiram, termasuk adiknya Azzimudie Kiram yang mengetuai kumpulan bersenjata di Lahad Datu itu, sebagai berkata terdapat beberapa kematian dalam kejadian tersebut.


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